Friday, June 28, 2013


For my next trick, I will be posting one of my short stories and prefacing that with my own opinion on family.

So here's the preface:

I come from a large family. I have two older sisters, and an older brother. All happily in some form of long term relationship, be it partnership, marriage, pre-engagement (she really, realllllllly wants him to propose), which doubles them. I have my mom and dad. And we have four dogs between the... *does the math really quickly on his fingers* the nine of us. And one cat. Oh right, and my oldest sister has recently had a son with her husband. Awkward. I always forget about him.

 But the fun doesn't stop there. My mom also comes from an extremely large family. As in she has six siblings. It goes on from there, but needless to say, Thanksgivings at our house are... crowded.

Despite all of my siblings and I being technically considered adults, that doesn't mean we are far from home. My oldest sister bought a house specifically so she could be close to our parents. My older (there's a distinction) sister is currently living at home after she graduated with her Master's in Social Work and is working. My brother lives very close as well. I live with my parents when I'm not in Oregon, at school. Beyond being geographically close, we're close. There's only an eight year difference between myself and my oldest sister, so we're close in age, too. All around, we're close. 

So the astute reader might be able to glean, from my gushing over family, that I like large families. There's a lot of craziness, often we don't all like each other, but there's always a lot of love. And that's the segway into the story. 

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